It Takes Tangerine to Tango
I could not be more excited about this year’s newest Pantone color – Tangerine Tango. As a matter of fact, I was ahead of the curve on this one – catching a lot of flak for wearing this color from my Florida State University friends and colleagues. What used to be classified as a borderline “Gator Nation” color is now the hippest color out there.
Besides the color appealing to my personal tastes … just look around. You’ll start to see this “sophisticated,” “seductive” and “energizing” color pop up in many designers’ spring collections, home accessories and product lines.
Here are a few examples of what we’ve seen so far …
Are you ready to tango with tangerine, or are you dancing to another beat?
Danielle is a project manager at Linda Costa Communications Group. You can be certain she’ll be adding more Tangerine Tango to her wardrobe.