Hispanic Marketing: Not a Universal Message
As most of us know, the Hispanic population is the second largest and fastest growing ethnic group in the United States, currently consisting of 50.5 million people. I read an article in the St. Petersburg Times this summer that discusses how Hispanic Americans originate from many different countries and backgrounds. Although the universal language for this group is Spanish, it doesn’t mean their tastes and cultures are the same – so we shouldn’t take a “one-size-fits-all” approach when targeting them in marketing and public relations efforts. For instance, you wouldn’t necessarily use the same marketing strategies when launching a new product in America as you would in England just because people in both countries speak English.
Here are some examples of how Hispanic countries differ among themselves:
I’m from Brazil, the only Portuguese-speaking country in South America, and while we are often categorized as a part of the “Hispanic” population, we are actually classified as “Latinos” due to our language differences and historical background. So remember: before launching a major marketing or public relations campaign – or even prior to sending out a press release – faça sua pesquisa (do your research).
Are you aware of any other cultural differences among the Hispanic population that you feel PR and marketing professionals should be aware of?
Vanessa is Linda Costa Communications Group’s newest PR team member. She’s from Brazil and will be bringing some Latin “flavor” to the table – and our department.